My name is Graeme Scott, and I love playing live - so much so that I actively seek out opportunities to play with different bands. So if you've come here looking for a 'dep' guitarist or bass player to stand in on a gig, congratulations!
Q. What instruments do you play?
A. I play Guitar and Bass, and I can also sing a bit.
Q. What styles can you play?
A. I am comfortable in most styles, including Pop, Soul, Rock, Indie, and Country. I have a large repertoire of songs, and I enjoy learning new material.
Q. I really need a player who understands music theory - do you?
A. Yes, I am musically literate - if you use musical terms to describe what you want, I will know what you mean.
Q. So can you sight read?
A. I am a decent sight-reader on bass, with some reading ability on guitar. I can also play from chord charts.
Q. What about playing by ear?
A. Yes I have a good ear for melodies and chord progressions. I also learn fast.
Q. What area do you cover?
A. I live in Swindon, so normally it's the M4 corridor, and from the South coast to Birmingham. I will travel further afield for the right gig.
Q. Are you available at short notice?
A. That depends on how short is 'short', and whether I am already familiar with the material. I have been known to stand in at less than an hour's notice!
Q. The $64,000 question - how much do you charge?
A. You tell me what your regular player would get. I'll either accept, politely decline, or sometimes ask for a bit more.
Q. How do I know you can really play?
A. Check out the audio on the Music page.
Q. Anything else we should know?
A. I've been doing this a long time. I have built up a collection of high quality equipment, and I know how to use it. As much as I get huge enjoyment from playing music, I also take it seriously (often referred to as having a professional attitude). I have been a Musicians' Union member since 1992.